Bhutan Drukpa Kagyud lineage 不丹竹巴噶舉傳承簡介

The Spiritual Lineage of the Drukpa Kagyud School ( Bhutan )


竹巴噶舉是夏尊雅旺南嘉Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal於公元1616年從西藏來到不丹後所建立的第一個噶舉派傳承,而Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal就是竹巴噶舉傳承創建者卓貢章巴加雷(Drogen Tsangpa Gyeray1161-1211)的轉世。

章巴加雷 45歲的時候,他在西藏Phaonkar Ue 地區興建了他自己的第一所寺廟,名為Druk Sewa Jangchubling。在他動工興建這所寺廟之前,見到九條飛龍如打雷般大聲地在天空中飛舞,而帶有吉兆的花朵卻隨著九龍的飛舞而從天上如降雨般散落在寺廟的選址之上。從這吉兆中,他預見自己的教法將如飛龍響亮的聲音般傳播到遙遠的地方,並得到繁榮昌盛的發展。故此,章巴加雷把他的寺廟命名為『竹』'Druk',藏語『竹』為『龍』,也是『雷聲』之意而把他的信徒及傳承稱為『竹巴』, 'Drukpa'即『龍的傳承』。雖然自岡波巴後,噶舉派發展出不同的支派,但是他們對佛教義理的理解是一致的,唯一的些微差異只表現在實踐方法之上。事實上,所有流派都是建基於噶舉的傳統,而Ngagsar就是密績的全新翻譯。

竹巴噶舉雖然強調那諾巴六法(Naro Choedrug)及大手印(Mahamudra)的實踐(大手印是噶舉派主要的禪修方法,藏文稱之為Chagchen。但是竹巴噶舉卻有自己一套完整及獨特的禪修方法,稱為「六平味法」(Rongyom Kordrug),即是經驗現象界所有事物的六種教法。另外還有一種禪修的方法,稱之為「七吉祥法」(Tendrel Rabdun),這是七位佛陀在章巴加雷面前示現並傳授給他的一種獨一無二的教法。這教法由他傳給弟子,一代一代地傳承到今日。

不過,任何人如要實踐上述任何一種禪修方法,必先要完成「四加行」(Ngondro)的修持。有關四加行的詳細內容不宜在此交代,因為已超出了介紹竹巴噶舉傳承這個討論範圍之外。但無論如何,Ngogton 及密勒日巴的到來,正是竹巴噶舉在不丹開始弘揚的標誌。

Drukpa Kagyud lineage

Lho Drukpa Kagyud was first established in Bhutan after Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal came to Bhutan in 1616 from Tibet . He is the reincarnation of Drogen Tsangpa Gyeray (1161-1211), the founder of Drukpa kagyud school. 

Tsangpa Gyeray built his first monastery in Phaonkar in Ue region in Tibet and gave the name 'Druk Sewa Jangchubling'. He was forty five years old at that time. Before the construction of the monastery Tsangpa Gyarey saw nine dragons thundering in the sky with auspicious flowers raining down together at the proposed site of the monastery, and he commented that his teachings would flourish as far as the voice of the dragons reached. Henceforth, his monastery and followers or lineage are known as the 'Druk' or 'Drukpa'. Basically the teachings of various schools of the Kagyud are the same. Only a slight difference lies in the methods of practice and interpretations.

In fact, all are based on the Kadam tradition and the Ngagsar which means Tantras of the New Translations. Drukpa Kagyud also emphasised its practice on the Six Yogas or teachings of Naropa called Naro Choedrug and the Mahamudra or the Great Seal teachings of Mahasiddhha Maitripa, which is called Chagchen in Tibetan as the main practice of meditation. But Drukpa School has the unique and distinct teachings of the meditation called 'Rongyom Kordrug (the Six Equal-taste), or six teachings to be experienced the single taste of all phenomena. The other Drukpa teaching of meditation is the 'Tendrel Rabdun' or 'the Seven Auspicious Teachings' which is uniquely revealed to Tsangpa Gyarey by seven Buddhas appearing before him. It has been passed from Gurus to disciples till today.

But before one wish to practice any of the above teachings, one must be trained first with the four 'Preliminary Practices' called 'Ngondro'. The detail is not expressed here as it is out of the scope of the present brief introduction of the Drukpa Kagyud lineage.  However, the visits of Ngogton and Milarepa marked the beginning of the kagyud school in Bhutan .    



不丹竹巴噶舉傳承 ( 歷代祖師轉世 ) :

Dorjichang (Vajradhara) 金剛總持  

Tilopa   帝洛巴(988~1069

Naropa   那洛巴(1066~1100

Marpa    馬爾巴(1012~1099

Milarepa   密勒日巴(1040~1123

Gampopa   岡波巴(1079~1153

Phakmo Drupa 帕莫竹巴(1110~1170

Lingchhen Reypa 寧千日巴(1128~1188

Tsangpa Gyarey Yeshi Dorji, the first Gylawang Drukpa 第一世竹巴法王章巴加雷依喜多傑(1161~1211

Kuenga Peljor, the second Gyalwang Drukpa 第二世竹巴法王 貢噶帕覺(1426~1476

Jamyang Chokyi Drapa, the third Gyalwang Drukpa 第三世竹巴法王姜仰確吉達帕(1478~1523

Kunkhyen Pema Karpa, the fourth Gyalwang Drukpa 第四世竹巴法王貝瑪嘎波(1527~1592) – 第四世竹巴法王轉世為第一世夏尊法王及第五世竹巴法王 (Two incarnations were discovered: Pagasam Wangpo who continued the lineage of the Gyalwang Drukpa and Zhabdrung Ngawang Namagyal, who unified Bhutan for the first time in its history)

Zhabdrung Nawang Namgyal, Durkchen Nawang Namgyal 夏尊法王 ( 夏宗法王 ) 竹千那旺南嘉  ( 1594~1651 )

Sonam Yoedzer

Nawang Gyeltshen

Shakya Rinchhen

Yonten Thaye

Jamyang Gyeltshen

Sheyrab Gyeltshen

Shakya Gyeltshen

Jigmed Chhosgyal


Shakya Shree 夏迦師利尊者

Tenzin Gyamtsho

H.H. Yeshey Singye


Drubwang Sonam Zangpo 密續瑜珈士 不丹大成就者  蘇南桑波  – 亦為夏迦.師利的主要弟子


H.H. Thrinley Lhendjup 不丹國師 第67代- 傑堪布  尼惹祖古聽列亨珠尊者 




H.H. Tenzin Dondup 不丹國師 第68代- 傑堪布  顛津敦珠尊者

H.H. Deyduen Rinchhen不丹國師 第69代- 傑堪布  給敦仁千尊者

H.H. Trulku Jigme Chodra 第70代- 傑堪布 吉美丘達
