The consecration ceremony of the Stupa 舍利塔開光 I

有關六、七月法會, 請參閱 "最近法會時間表"。

For recent pujas, please refer to 'Puja Schedule'.

尊貴 卓奇多傑仁波切於6月7日到不丹主持舍利塔開光儀式。仁波切感謝各位功德主支持。(有關開光儀式請瀏覽 "最新消息"。

The consecration ceremony of the Stupa was completed on 7th June, 2009.  Rinpoche is  grateful to those who have made donations. (For more photos, please refer to the 'Latest News'.


仁波切攝於舍利塔前 (Rinpoche and the Stupa behind him)

入藏佛像: 蓮花生大師 (Installed Buddhist statue: Guru Rinpoche)

功德主名册  (The album of donors' names)

功德主名册 (The album of donors' names)

仁波切帶領信眾繞舍利塔 Rinpoche performs the circumambulation ceremony

仁波切帶領信眾繞舍利塔 Rinpoche performs the circumambulation ceremony

仁波切帶領信眾繞舍利塔 Rinpoche performs the circumambulation ceremony

政府官員恭賀仁波切 The local governor  pays respects to Rinpoche

政府官員恭賀仁波切 The local government official pays respects to Rinpoche


金剛舞  (Vajra Dance)
