Rinpoche performs the purification ceremony for the stupa's site.
Rinpoche performs the purification ceremony for the stupa's site.
Rinpoche's root teacher
Rinpoche's root teacher is His Holiness Trulku Jigme Chodra, the 70th and the present Je Khenpo (Abbot Head) of Bhutan . Rinpoche became a monk at the age of 17 and received the precept from the present Je Khenpo a year after. 'Je Khenpo', an official and respected name, heads the Central Monk Body of Bhutan and all the Drukpa Kargyud religious administration in Bhutan . He is the supreme religious leader of Bhutan . He is a reincarnation of Scholar Geshe Pema Tshering.
仁波切的根本上師為不丹當今第70世國師,仁波切在17歲出家,翌年在他根本上師 傑堪布 吉美乓達 (H.H. Trulku, Jigme Chodra)處受戒。傑堪布 吉美乓達 (H.H. Trulku, Jigme Chodra)是不丹所有寺院住持之首,他統領整個不丹國內所有竹巴噶舉傳承的寺院及負責所有宗教上的行政工作。他是不丹最高的精神領袖,同時亦是佛教大學者Geshe Pema Tshering的轉世。