尊貴 堪布於四月中到不丹南部的小鎮Galephu,為建舍利塔的地基進行動土及灑淨儀式,並舉行法會冀求舍利塔順利興建。The Venerable Khenpo went to Galephu (Southern Bhutan) in April to host the ground breaking and purification ceremonies of the stupa.
舍利塔的地基 The Foundation of the Stupa
舍利塔的地基 The Foundation of the Stupa
堪布為地基進行灑淨 The Purification Ceremony
堪布為地基進行灑淨 The Purification Ceremony
堪布為地基進行灑淨 The Purification Ceremony
堪布主持動土儀式 The Ground Breaking Ceremony
堪布祝福當地居民 Khenpo blesses a local
當地居民參與動土儀式 The locals attend the ceremony
當地居民參與動土儀式 The locals attend the ceremony
居民以歌舞感謝堪布在當地興建舍利塔 The locals sing and dance to express their thanks to Khenpo
The construction progress
本中心擬於不丹南部的小鎮 Galephu 籌建一座舍利塔,藉以紀念佛陀在菩提樹下得道成佛,並讓信眾淨化惡業、證悟菩提。
佛教徒相信舍利塔會他們帶來莫大裨益,建造及巡禮舍利塔會為他們淨化惡業,積聚功德及福報,舍利塔的存在亦為當地居民帶來和諧的生活、穩定的社會。處於不丹南部的 Galephu 居住了很多虔誠的藏傳佛教徒,但當地卻没有舍利塔讓他們去巡禮,因此我們希望在當地建立一座「菩提塔」(Jangchub Chorten) 。
i. 能淨化惡業、消除障礙及穫得無量功德;
ii. 使人死後不致墮入三惡道(地獄、餓鬼、畜生),而能轉生
iii. 使人一切祈願皆得滿足;
iv. 令人廣積福德,佛力護持;
v. 使人增福延壽及
vi. 令人悉除病苦,重病治癒。
建造21呎之「菩提塔」造價為港幣150,000元,扣除成本後,(若有餘款將用於蓋建佛學院) 。建立佛塔須時一個半月,工程大約在西曆2009年6月7日圓滿及開光,【當天正是藏曆4月15日,是釋迦牟尼佛成道及湼槃紀念日 (又名功德增長日) 】;根據佛的神聖之悟,在這些吉祥日奉行善業,功德行能增長十萬倍。此外,建造佛塔的功德主芳名會永久放入舍利塔內,另本中心主持Khenpo Cheki Dorjee將於一年內每天誦經迴向予功德主。建造舍利塔能帶來無量功德,希望各師兄法友鼎力支持,福不唐捐。
佛教法光中心 (竹巴噶舉傳承) 上環永樂街130號恆樂大廈2樓
電話: 6603-6678 黄小姐
Enlightenment Stupa Project
Our centre is going to build a stupa (a holy pagoda) at Galephu (southern Bhutan ) to venerate the Buddha. Buddhists believe that building, circumambulating and offering to a stupa is a powerful means of purifying negative karma and obscurations, and of accumulating extensive merit. The existence of a stupa also brings peace, harmony and stability to society. Galephu, where a lot of Buddhists live, is a small village in southern Bhutan , but as there is no stupa around, we are going to build a stupa for the locals. The stupa we are about to build is called Enlightenment Stupa (Jangchub Chorten)
Benefits of building, circumambulating, offering to a stupa
1. You will be able to purify your negative karma and obscurations and to accumulate extensive merits.
2. After you have departed, you will be born as one of the three good realms of existence [Asura, Human, Deva]
3. You will be able to be born in a rich family, to have a beautiful body, to bring joy to others and have a long and happy life. Your wishes will come true.
4. You will be protected by Buddhas.
5. Your sickness will be healed.
6. You will be able to achieve ultimate happiness of liberation and enlightenment.
The estimated cost of the stupa is HK$150,000. Any remaining cost wil go to the construction of a Buddhist institute. It will take about one and half months to complete the construction of the stupa, which will be consecrated on 15th April (Tibetan Calendar) which is also the date when the Buddha obtained his enlightenment (the day of Merit Accumulation). It is said that if we do good deeds on that day, the merits accumulated will be immeasurable. Moreover, the names of donors will be placed in the stupa so as to be protected by the Buddha. Khenpo Cheki Dorjee will give dedicated prays every day for those who donate. We cordially invite dharma friends to make contribution to this auspicious project.
Please send your cheque payable to ‘Dharma Light Buddhist Centre (H.K.) Limited’ together with a stamped addressed envelop with your name to our Centre.
You can also directly deposit in the Heng Seng Bank (Account Number 385-816483-883). Send or fax your pay-in slip with your name written on the back to our centre. (Fax number 25819386)
Dharma Light Centre Buddhist Centre is a government registered non-profit making organization. Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible.
Dharma Light Buddhist Centre ( Bhutan Drupka Kagyud Lineage)
2/F Heng Lok Building , 130 Wing Lok Street , Sheung Wan
Contact number: 6603-6678 Miss Wong